About Noble Foods

Noble Foods is a group with £600m in turnover and around 1,800 employees. First and foremost, it’s the UK’s leading supplier of fresh eggs to retailers.

The group currently have four egg–packing centres and pack 75 million eggs per week into boxes. Their brands are household names to most, including: Happy Eggs, Big & Fresh, Eggs for Soldiers, Heritage Green and Purley Organic.

Alongside this, the group operates a number of different facets of the egg supply chain such as milling and farming. This includes ownership of the premium deserts brand, Gü.

Turning to their workforce, job roles vary from packaging eggs, to creating deserts, to milling grain: an occupation that is still very traditional and labour-intensive. However, manufacturing is only one side of the business, the second tier is supply. “We have a huge transport fleet” explains Louisa Hogarty, HR Director, “there are 300 drivers across the group with articulated trucks”.

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Well in the case of Noble Foods it’s the chicken. To ensure the highest quality of eggs, there is a team devoted to rearing chicks and caring for the hens.

No. of employees



Manufacturing, Transportation & Agriculture


Hertfordshire HQ and multiple nationwide sites

Key results

After 11 months of launching Perkbox:


increase in usage


saved by employees


engagement with Perkbox


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